All of these animated Gifs were created using GifBuilder and other Mac photo and art programs. None of these pictures were taken from any copyrighted publications, films or publicity material of any kind. There is no copyright infringement involved here. So feel free to use these "movie Gifs in the creation of your own web sites.
You must view these gifs with a fairly current web browser. One that will handle animated gifs. Most new browsers will.
This is the first volume of animated Gifs that I have created. I am already working on more volumes to keep up with the demand.
If you like these, then I will still consider this work to be Shareware. These take some time to make. If you would like to donate a $1.00 for my time and effort, I would'nt mind.
Send cash or check to:
Tim Smith
P.O. Box 393
Charleston, IL 61920
Or if you don't have a buck, send me some e-mail telling me how cool they are.